
Hi readers, I'm Sebrina Marie.
I used to blog about my wedding and then my life but then I became a mom.
While my personal closet might consist of a pile of clean laundry tossed into my son's pack n' play (he likes it better that way, honestly!), I do have a soft spot for fashion. I'm always looking for a good deal since we're a single income family and that's not always easy when you try to dress modestly. So I decide to create this space to help other ladies who might prefer longer hemlines find the right pieces for them.
Some other random tidbits about me include:
I'm currently living in Deep South Texas
but am a Dallas girl by birth and a New Englander at heart.
I'm kinda granola and can be found sporting Birkenstocks any day of the week. I'm the list making type of procrastinator. My favorite place on earth is Rockport, MA but my hubby and I would move to Latvia if given the opportunity. Music makes my world go round and I try to read at least 1 to 2 books a week. I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and to me religion is more than just something we do on Sunday. It's our way of life.
Thanks for coming along for the ride!

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